Chelsea Thorne
Chelsea grew up in Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA. Her sister became a disciple and introduced Chelsea to the church as that time. In 2002, when Chelsea was 13, she studied the Bible and became a Christian in the Hampton Roads teen ministry. Her Mother and Father also became disciples and her brother followed along a few years later.
Chelsea went to Virginia Tech University and studied Human Development. After graduation, in 2013, she took up a One-Year Challenge and travelled to Sydney, Australia to serve the church there. After this time she married her husband William Thorne and they decided to extend their stay in Australia and enter into the full-time ministry in Sydney. During the time they have been in the ministry they have excelled in growing Teen and Married’s ministries in the Sydney Church. They now serve as Evangelist and Women’s Ministry Leader in Sydney and have two beautiful boys Denton (2.5 years) and Louie (1 year).
In March, Will and Chelsea were exposed to the Coronavirus at a church service and were both diagnosed with Covid-19. They battled through quarantining with 2 young boys while they both came down with serious symptoms. During this difficult time they continued to serve in the ministry as they could. Chelsea is known as a bubbly, giving, and empathetic person who is dearly loved and serves in the ministry with extreme kindness. She has strong convictions driving her love for God and people and works extremely hard even while having children, raising them, and battling sickness.